NOTE: “This Is Your Life” was a 30-minute reality television series from 1950 to 1987. The program's premise was to surprise guests and take them through their lives in front of an audience.
The below one was not broadcast on television. Still, it was arranged for a live audience, primarily students of a long-time popular teacher in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, on June 2, 1972.
That woman was my maternal aunt, Erma Barnett, the third sister of the six Barnett sisters (my mother was the last one.)
Erma Pearl Barnett, 86, died Monday, June 10, 1996, at Pinecrest Care Center, Gallipolis, following a long illness.
Thanks to the Point Pleasant Register newspaper for writing the above story.
Aunt Erma's Home-Made Egg Noodles
(Other Barnett sisters had memorized without looking at a written recipe, so my daughter, then as a pre-teen, wrote it down.)
Aunt Erma's Home-Made Noodles
1 egg
Pinch of salt
Pinch of baking powder in flour
Half of an eggshell full of water
1 1/2 or 2 cups of flour
Roll very thin
Roll into a log-shaped, cut small
Open the noodles and place them on a cookie pan with wax paper on them
Let it sit and dry for an hour or longer.
What a life and a legacy. I imagine the sisters gathering, supporting one another through life. And that recipe - thousands of miles away my father’s oldest sister taught me the same. The world is so intertwined.