Thanks To Who? (CSUSOP???)
The Thanksgiving week is over!
“Thanksgiving — when the people who are the most thankful are the ones who don’t have to cook.” — Melanie White
“I can’t cook a Thanksgiving dinner. All I can make is cold cereal and maybe toast.” — Charlie Brown.
Wishing you a Thanksgiving filled with more laughter than awkward family moments!
“Happy’s your turn to say Happy Thanksgiving back.” — You’ve Got Mail
My name should be Lucky because I am fortunate and grateful to have you in my life. My friend, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
My friend, Happy Thanksgiving to you! May all your hard work bring color to your life and take you to the highest peak of success.
Did I say any thanks during my recent Thanksgiving dinner? Nope, but I did whisper to myself:
As a former member of the USOC Committee on Handicapped in Sports (1979-81), I am thanking the Commission on the State of U.S. Olympics and Paralympics for the following reasons:
Invited the USA Deaf Sports Federation President to testify before the Commission at the hearing on September 6. Note: USADSF and U.S.A. Hockey were the only two of 18 witnesses relating to “sport organizations.”
Listened to USADSF President Jeff Mansfield’s 5-minute testimony and responses.
Read the USADSF-submitted notebook of over 2,000 pages of documents describing several decades-long deflection, dismissiveness, and denial.
Read The Sports Examiners’ remark:
Jeff Mansfield, the President of the USADSF, pointed out that the Amateur Sports Act of 1978 did not make any allowance for special support for deaf athletes. The current USOPC alignment with the International Paralympic Committee has left deaf athletes – who participate in a separate multi-sport event, the Deaflympics – on their own, especially compared to Paralympians supported by the USOPC. He asked for an amendment to the Act to require the USOPC to assist deaf athletes in the same way.
Discuss currently whether to consider requesting Congress to amend the Deaflympics into the Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act of 1998
On September 18, 2018, USO[P]C CEO Sarah (Sally) Hirshland posed with then-USADSF Executive Director Jameson Caine and then-USADSF Board Member Jeff Mansfield at the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Assembly. The USADSF wrote on the Facebook page, “Hirshland … brings an inspiring voice to the Olympic movement.”
Five years later, on September 6, 2023, she listened carefully and sat behind Mansfield at the hearing.
Five years passed, and no action is coming from the USOPC.
Look at these Deaflympians!
I bet these athletes will cartwheel excitedly when they hear that Congress will pass the above amendment.
So they will be thankful!!!
Howard “Howie” Gorrell attended 13 of the last 14 Deaflympics since 1969 and is a 2004 recipient of the USADSF Jerald M. Jordan Award, given to those who exhibit leadership and continuous participation toward the goals of the Deaflympics and the 2011 Art Kruger Award for demonstrating leadership and constant participation, support and contribution in the USADSF over an extended period.