“I thought it was important and surprised by the lack of interest,” emailed The Sports Examiners Editor Rich Perelman on September 14.”

CSUSOP stands for the Commission of the State of U.S. Olympics and Paralympics.
The Empowering Olympic, Paralympic, and Amateur Athletes Act of 2020 requires the CSUSOP to to study the United States' participation in the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The Commission had the only public hearing in Washington, DC, on September 6, 2023 - See the picture above.
After being greenlighted by Congress on February 8, 2023, the Commission started investigating the inner workings of the U.S. Olympic structure.
I needed to know how much the public knew about the CSUSOP and its purposes, so I checked the ten largest daily US newspapers (in order of circulation) to see if they had written an article about the CSUSOP since February:
Wall Street Journal - ZERO
New York Times - ZERO
Washington Post - ZERO
New York Post - ZERO
USA Today - ZERO
Los Angeles Times - ZERO
Star Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul) - ZERO
Newsday - ZERO
Chicago Tribune - ZERO
Tampa Bay Times - ZERO
It is the same as the Colorado Springs Gazette (the home of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee). Still, like smaller newspapers, it used to print the Associated Press articles by Eddie Pells.
The CSUSOP study includes:
(i) a review of the most recent reforms undertaken by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee;
(ii) a description of proposed reforms to the structure of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee;
(iii) an assessment as to whether the board of directors of the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee includes diverse members, including athletes;
(iv) an assessment of United States athlete participation levels in the Olympic and Paralympic Games;(v) a description of the status of any United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee licensing arrangement;
(vi) an assessment as to whether the United States is achieving the goals for the Olympic and Paralympic Games set by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee;
(vii) an analysis of the participation in amateur athletics of—(I) women, (II) disabled individuals, and (III) minorities;
(viii) a description of ongoing efforts by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee to recruit the Olympic and Paralympic Games to the United States;
(ix) an evaluation of the functions of the national governing bodies (as defined in section 220501 of title 36, United States Code) and an analysis of the responsiveness of the national governing bodies to athletes concerning the duties of the national governing bodies under section 220524(a)(3) of title 36, United States Code; and
(x) an assessment of the finances and the financial organization of the United States Olympics and Paralympic Committee.
Will the public be excited to read the CSUSOP Final Report to Congress, released this spring?